Thursday, October 3, 2019

Colossus: Understanding Auto Insurance Claims (Physician) by Aaron DeShaw | Trial Guides

To purchase Colossus: Understanding Auto Insurance Claims Click video is aimed towards doctors and the chart notes that they need to take in personal injury cases that could be evaluated by bodily injury software, including Colossus Claims Outcome Advisor, Claim IQ, and Exposure Manager.

The video talks about the specific things that an insurance company is looking at when they evaluated bodily injury claim on your patients.

In the event that you are taking personal injury case notes, you need to understand what is it that I need to put in my chart notes in order to generate an objective and fair clam value for my patient.

Your failure to be able to do that will not give the lawyer or the insurance company the information that they need to understand the severity of injury to your patient and as a result, they will not be given a reasonable settlement offer.

Only by understanding what it is that the insurance companies actually evaluate and provide value for can you change your chart notes to improve upon what you're already doing and objectively report the things that will be of most value to the insurance company when evaluating your patient's claims.

Colossus: Understanding Auto Insurance Claims


Aaron DeShaw

Approximately 70 percent of all auto insurers in the U.S. use bodily injury assessment software to evaluate claim value in auto injury cases. Most of them conceal its use or allege they no longer use the software. The most widely used bodily injury claim software is called Colossus. Colossus and other similar programs require specific information to generate maximum claim value. Physician records are the most important determinant to claim value if those records address the information of importance to the computer system. To take chart notes correctly in personal injury cases, you need to know what this system is looking for. This CD/DVD set will teach you how to keep records in personal injury cases.

This one-of-a-kind CD/DVD provides doctors with the information necessary to help their patients obtain larger settlement offers so that they can receive the future care they need. The nation's leading Colossus expert, Aaron DeShaw, discusses the impact of the top 5 value drivers in the system. He discusses how AMA Permanent Impairment ratings increase the value of the case. He teaches how special "Duties Under Duress" and "Loss of Enjoyment of Life" forms will provide the best opportunity for your patients to get the maximum offer from Colossus software based on their injuries. He concludes with tips on how to write Colossus style narrative reports to trigger higher offers in an ethical and honest way.

This CD/DVD set is a must if you handle auto accident cases. The Colossus system does not provide a full and fair value to cases, but if your patient's lawyers don't go to trial on every case, you owe it to your patients to take notes in the best way to allow for maximum settlement offers. This CD/DVD set teaches you how to accomplish that.

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